Get To Know Me

Hi. I’m Shai!


For the past ten years, I’ve helped thousands of people live fitter and healthier lives through my personal training, group classes, weight loss programs, and social media community. My mission is to energize, inspire, and motivate others to adopt a healthy lifestyle - including YOU!

I’m a certified personal trainer, experienced in a wide range of fitness disciplines including Barre, strength training, Pilates, dance, yoga-based calisthenics, boot camp training, and indoor cycle. 

Not long after earning my bachelor’s degree in finance from the University of Baltimore, I realized my real passion was fitness and health, and pivoted to focus on personal training. Now, I have the privilege of guiding and motivating thousands of participants through my online challenge groups centered on losing weight through unique weekly workouts and meal guidelines. In addition, I train clients around the world through virtual personal training, as well as in person, in my home studio in Baltimore. My dynamic, vibrant social media community enables me to provide daily support and inspiration to many.

I’m passionate about creating a lifestyle of wellness that not only includes exercise but also balanced nutrition, which is why I regularly provide meal plans and guidance to my clients and group participants. Ultimately, seeing my clients reach their health and wellness goals is my greatest joy.